Friday, August 27, 2010


Wonder why we write on 'walls' in facebook? Walls are built to obstruct people from our territories. Wonder why facebook chooses to call it's writing space a 'wall' and coaxes us to write on each other's walls.Writing on the wall also means something ominous.

It is amusing that we hardly converse with each other face to face but we are more than eager to write on 'walls'. If we do that in real life we could be sued. But facebook encourages us to merrily 'trespass'each others' walls.It is a world of 'walls' and 'boxes'. Reminds me of coffins and cages.

It is great though to add 'long-lost'schoolmates after ten years of schooling.However in this 'lost and found'game, there is a pattern and here most social networking sites follow the same ritual. After the initial euphoria of fiery display of friendship remarks on each others' walls, the passion just freezes out.Then Mother-like Facebook goads us to 'write on each others' walls',cajoles us to're-connect'.It suggests friends for us as if we are dying a miserable lonely death.Facebook is the only book with a virtual heart. It comprehends our need to connect. We do not understand our own species anymore. It is a virtual site which has to nudge us about reconnecting with people.Doesn't that say volumes about our 'lack of communication'?

It is the world of 'virtual farms and mafia wars'.We are talking about farmers' suicides and agricultural crisis.But on facebook we are in search of 'the cows and goats'.We have quizzes,messages from God himself,astrology for the day and what not.Ask for it, it is there.High brow consumerism,should we say?Wouldn't our consumerist values percolate 'social' networking sites too?

Facebook is the book without a 'face'.It is a world full of walls but still the world without boundaries.If you are not blocked or rejected by your acquaintance, you can safely trespass without getting prosecuted.Facebook is going great guns with liking,commenting,suggesting,connecting,finding friends through friend-finders.It has become a public theatre where we unwind our lives to each other in mysterious fashions.Our emotions and feelings are in the public eye. There is a mystery and openness about our feelings.Isn't it a bit uncanny?The walls do not wall out, neither do they wall-in, they are not ominous suggesting impending doom,as in the book of Daniel, nor do they become a cause for dispute. It is open yet shut,it is half-open, half-sincere,half-real!!

Reminds me of hybrid seeds which bring excellent output for a particular timeperiod then dies its death.They are half-viable!

The walled out/in Rashmi :)

1 comment:

  1. wow meri RC... kya likha is so true... Msgs from God writing babes..
